AIR Native Extension Tutorials

Tutorials for using AIR Native Extensions in your Adobe AIR applications

AIR native extensions are available here

This content is deprecated. See the latest version of this site as part of the main documentation site

This content is deprecated. See the latest version of this tutorial here


From iOS 13 Apple now requires a new process of adding launch / splash screens to your application, you can no longer simply package the “default.png” images in your application you have done with previous versions of iOS and AIR.

Note: Apple will soon enforce launch screens with the iOS 13 requirement so this will be a prerequisite for publishing in the AppStore

This guide shows how to create the launch storyboard directly in Xcode.


Method 1

This simple method uses a prebuilt storyboard which pulls an image from your and fill the screen keeping the aspect ratio (your image may be cropped on some devices depending on the resolution).

We have included these instructions as part of the Icons, Launch Storyboards and the Assets Catalog guide.

Method 2

Using Xcode

Note: You will need a macOS machine with Xcode 9+ for this method to generate the file

As this process is tightly integrated with generating the (asset catalog) containing your application icons, we will go through adding the icons first.

Firstly you will need to open Xcode and create a new application

Now you have added the application icons we move onto adding the launch storyboard. For this we have included 2 guides:

Centered Icon

Firstly we need to add the image resource to your asset catalog.

Full Screen Image



LaunchScreen.storyboardc is a directory but will appear as a “file” (package) on macOS

Adding to AIR

Once you have completed your storyboard and added the application icons you can add these to your AIR applicaiton.



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